Friday, January 6, 2012

{it's a new year!}

Well, this is suppose to be my "official" time off to recoop from a crazy, busy, blessed
2011, revamp ideas and paperwork for the new year, get that much anticipated {at least
by ME} blog/website up, finish lingering projects, and decide where I want to go
with all of this in 2012....for you.   

BUT, instead, I worked up to Christmas {like always}, had to go out of town
{well, out of the state actually} for medical reasons for my husband, continued
to wrap things up and,  today, instead of being inspired by all that is "out there"
for the new year........I've been cleaning and organizing and cleaning my
office so I can do all of the above. ha!

It became a disgraceful catch-all for all things business and Christmas related 
over the past two months.  But, it is now ready to go!  And, I am ready to go! 

I think you will like what I have in store for 2012!    

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