You may have noticed that it's been very, very quiet here on the blog.
There are actually several reasons for that, but, the main reason is a new reveal.
I have so many wonderful posts to make that I hated to add them here
where they would soon be forgotten.....but, instead opted to wait until they
could make their long-awaited debut on the....
It's been a very long time coming and I never could get enough downtime to
get it completed. So, what do I do? Jump in right in the midst of my busy, busy
wedding season. It wasn't entirely poor planning on my end, but a new
state of the art template / server that my beloved provider uses.
{they have THE best customer service ever...thus I waited}
So, stay tuned. I'm getting very, very close!
I will leave you with this. What I wouldn't give to be
on that beach again for a few days.....
But, for now, I have to get back to editing! :)